5 Day Mayo Diet - Lose 10 Pounds in 5 Days

Let me tell you right from the start that the 5 Day Mayo Diet is not a weight loss plan based on eating only mayonnaise for five days straight!

In fact, there is no mayonnaise in this diet at all. It's called the Mayo Diet because it was supposedly created at a health institution with the name "Mayo" in it. That makes sense because a diet based on eating mayonnaise would definitely not work very well!

\"lifestyle Diet\"

So what is this diet all about then? Well this diet is actually a variation on those popular grapefruit diets.

5 Day Mayo Diet - Lose 10 Pounds in 5 Days

Diet Plan Details

Meals per day: three meals.

Duration of the diet: five days.

Diet type: low carbohydrate.

What You Can Eat:

Grapefruits, meats, eggs, non-starchy vegetables, nuts, cheese, and tomatoes.

What You Can Not Eat:

Grains (rice, bread, pasta), starchy vegetables (peas, potatoes), fruits (grapefruits are an exception of course).

5 Day Diet Menu

Sample Breakfast

1 grapefruit

2 whole eggs

2 breakfast sausages

Herbal tea

Sample Lunch

1 grapefruit

1 serving of meat (any kind you prefer)

1 bowl mixed greens salad

Sample Dinner

1 grapefruit

1 serving of meat (any kind you prefer)

1 cup steamed vegetables

Herbal tea

My Review

So will this diet work wonders for you? Well let's be realistic here, it's only five days long. Do you really believe you will lose all the weight you need to in only five days?

Even if you lose ten pounds in five days, do you think you will keep it off once you return to your normal lifestyle diet? I think you know the answer to that one based on your past dieting experiences.

If you need to lose weight for an event in five days from now (like a wedding), you might want to give this diet a shot. Just be prepared to gain back all the weight within a few days.

On the other hand, if you want to lose weight... and actually keep it off for good... you should definitely pass on the 5 Day Mayo Diet.

5 Day Mayo Diet - Lose 10 Pounds in 5 Days

Free Diet Video: I just finished filming a video called "How I Accidentally Lost 18 Pounds in 25 Days!" If you're ready to finally lose all your extra fat Click Here [http://www.triplethin.com/weight-loss-video.html] to watch this FREE video now. In this video I reveal all the secrets behind the easy, step-by-step method that stripped 18 pounds off my body rapidly. Don't put this off, watch this short video here: [http://www.triplethin.com/weight-loss-video.html]

How to Remove Uric Acid From Blood and Get Rid of Gout Naturally

Wondering how to remove uric acid from blood naturally? Then you've come to the right place. Here, you'll discover how to reduce uric acid using 3 simple gout home remedies.

Gout is cause by high uric acid levels in your blood. When high uric acid is present needle-like microscopic crystals can form in your joints. This then gives rise to the swelling, inflammation and unbearable pain of gout.

\"lifestyle Diet\"

So, as a gout sufferer, you need to reduce and remove uric acid from your blood in order to get rid of your gout. And you can do this either through drugs, or, through natural remedies.

How to Remove Uric Acid From Blood and Get Rid of Gout Naturally

Drugs such as allopurinol and probenecid can be effective reducers of blood uric acid. But they have to be taken over the longer term as they only work whilst they are being taken. And they have some nasty side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness, loss of appetite, skin rash, hives, itching, etc.

So many gout sufferers utilize natural remedies to remove uric acid from their blood in order to get rid of their gout. And there are many such remedies at your disposal; using things like herbs, fruits, diet, etc. Here are 3 popular and effective ones...

(1) Baking Soda.

Baking soda can help to dissolve gout crystals, and, by increasing uric acid solubility, make it easier to remove uric acid from your body.

Mix 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in a large glass of water. Drink 1 glass first thing in the morning, 2 to 4 glasses during the day, and, 1 glass before bedtime. No more than 8 glasses (4 teaspoons) per day. Repeat until your symptoms have gone.

Important Note: Baking soda is high in sodium so move to a low-sodium or salt-free diet whilst taking this remedy. Also, if you suffer from high blood pressure, or you suspect you may, talk to your doctor before using this remedy.

(2) Cherries

Cherries have excellent anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as the ability to reduce uric acid in the blood. So they are also an excellent natural home treatment choice.

Eat between 30 and 40 cherries, every 4 hours during a gout attack. After an attack, to keep your uric acid at healthier lower levels, eat 30 to 40 cherries every day.

(3) Alfalfa

Alfalfa has been shown to dramatically reduce uric acid in blood. The leaves can be made into a tea or you can get it as a supplement in the form of tablets, capsules or liquid extracts. You are best to visit a herbalist and / or a good health food shop. They will advise on dosage.

Next, having removed, or rather, reduced your high uric acid and eliminated your current gout attack, you now need to prevent more attacks. In case you weren't aware, frequently recurring gout attacks can lead to permanently damaged joints and kidney problems over time.

And if you've suffered one gout attack you're now more likely to suffer more. So you need to figure out what you need to do to prevent these. You need to become aware of the impact that lifestyle, diet, your weight, your family history, etc., can have in your getting gout, and, in curing it.

How to Remove Uric Acid From Blood and Get Rid of Gout Naturally

You're in luck though. There's a special gout report available online [see below] that has all the information you need in one place. It is what thousands of ex-gout victims worldwide have successfully used to prevent their gout returning. It also contains a special 2 hour gout pain relief program.

And it uses fully-researched, totally natural methods. So that you benefit two ways: (1) you get rid of your excruciating pain very fast, and, (2) you prevent your gout returning, so that you reduce the risk of permanent damage.

If you want to get gout pain relief in 2 hours, plus, prevent your gout returning in the future, then go to http://gout-relief-today.blogspot.com and discover how you can quickly do both without expensive drugs with their horrible side effects.

Tips For Easing the Pain of Acid Reflux Disease

How do you treat acid reflux disease so that the pain and damage are at a minimum? Trust me, I know how painful and inconvenient acid reflux disease can be. The burning and the fear that precedes every meal with any amount of flavor to it can be a real problem. It is frustrating and painful, and I know that I suffered often because of it. However, there are treatments available that can help you if you give them a chance.

The first thing you need to do is realize that you are not alone. Acid reflux disease actually affects about 60 million people. It is considered to be serious only if it occurring over two times a week over a span of a few months. If it is untreated and continues over a long period of time it can actually cause permanent damage to your esophagus.

\"lifestyle Diet\"

Acid reflux disease is the result of acid from your stomach coming up into your esophagus over and over again. It happens when the sphincter muscle between your esophagus and stomach becomes weak and relaxed which will then allow the acid back up. This can actually be caused by high fat foods. They have been shown to weaken the muscle on a temporary basis. So your first move might be to cut back on high fat foods.

Tips For Easing the Pain of Acid Reflux Disease

Another simple treatment for acid reflux disease is the repositioning of your bed. Some people have been able to get relief from this condition by raising the head of their bed. You can put four to six inch blocks or raisers under the bead bedposts of your bed. This positioning keeps the acid down out of the esophagus through gravity, but is not always a solution for every case of acid reflux disease.

A third treatment that is very common for acid reflux disease is the use of antacids. Generally a good antacid will work on a short term basis or if you only suffer a few times a year, but reducing the acid in your stomach long term can cause other diseases. Keep that in mind when you reach for your antacid if you are doing so too often.

When it comes to treating your acid reflux disease, consider some lifestyle changes. First thing, quit smoking if you are a smoker and either cut down or stop drinking. You should also eat more fiber and eat smaller meals so that your stomach does not become too full. In addition, try to eat more complex carbohydrates and fewer fatty and friend foods. You may also want to consider natural herbs like ginger to treat your symptoms in a more healthy manner.

Acid reflux disease can be a very difficult, annoying, and painful problem. When you suffer the symptoms of it, you want relief and you want it now. However, take the time to consider some things you can do to prevent yourself from being in that situation in the first place. Adjust your lifestyle, diet, and exercise regimen to decrease the frequency of the problem. Also, you can use natural herbs to treat the symptoms and, on occasion only, use an antacid. Acid reflux disease is no fun, so think about what you can do to change your life and stop suffering, you will be glad you did.

Tips For Easing the Pain of Acid Reflux Disease

If you would like to view more of my articles on acid reflux remedies [http://www.acidrefluxgerdcures.com/acid-reflux-remedy-acid-suppressant-drugs.html], please feel free to visit my acid reflux website - acidrefluxgerdcures.com

Can Colon Cleansing Really Help Me Lose Weight?

Colon cleansing is a process involving the destruction and flushing of toxins and impurities from within the digestive system and colon. Two of the most common questions I've heard regarding colon cleansing is "So, how exactly do I know if I need a colon cleanse?" and "How can colon cleansing help me lose weight"? In order to effectively answer those two questions, one has to fully understand the digestion process and the effects it has on the body.

How Do I Know If I Need a Colon Cleanse?

\"lifestyle Diet\"

Everyday we consume food in order to nourish our bodies and live. Most of the foods we consume on a daily basis are processed, steroid injected, artificially flavored, and chemically altered in some way. Yet, we can go days and eat these foods with little or no consequence evident in our bodies. Or so we think. Doctors suggest it is healthy for an individual to have at least one to two bowel movements a day. If you are in this crowd, congratulations, because you are a member of a group that is becoming extinct. Doctors also say on average, most people have movements every 3 to 4 days. These people actually believe that evacuating every 3 to 4 days is "normal". So what exactly do you think happens to all that food you eat over the course of 3 to 4 days? Where does the toxins and waste end up?

Can Colon Cleansing Really Help Me Lose Weight?

Well, I'll tell you. It goes nowhere. This waste marinates on your colon while eating away at tissue and hindering your bodies ability to absorb nutrients. Your body literally becomes unable to make use of all the vitamins and minerals that are consumed during each meal. As time goes on, this waste can become destructive bacteria that can cause fatigue, gastro intestinal problems, unhealthy looking skin, and even cancer. Some people have 4 to 5 undigested meals in their intestines at this very moment.

What Are the Side Effects Of Colon Cleansing

Whether you decide to visit a specialist to have a colonic performed or use an over-the-counter method, side effects will vary. While some may experience the inconvenience of going to the bathroom every 10 seconds, others may experience feeling weak, nauseous, body aches, bloating, acne, and more. When getting a cleanse, keep in mind that your colon will be completely flushed out. This includes the good bacteria so your body will need time to get back in balance.

How Can Colon Cleansing Help Me Lose Weight?

When considering a cleanse for weight loss, some can expect to see a drop of up to 20lbs (this will definitely vary from person to person). The weight lost is not necessarily fat, rather, it is the weight of toxins flushed from the body. That being said, with a cleansed colon and a healthy diet plan, your body can now begin making great use of the good nutrients you put back in. Combine that with an exercise plan and you just put yourself on the fast track to shredding pounds and discovering a healthier you.

Visits to a specialist can be rather expensive. So if you decide to go with an over-the-counter method, keep in mind that oxygen based colon cleansing products, such as Colon Ox, are the most affordable doctor recommended solution.

Can Colon Cleansing Really Help Me Lose Weight?

Use the following link to read a full review on Colon Ox

If you would like objective reviews about diets and the best methods to lose weight visit My Lifestyle Diet